Monday, December 21, 2009

the hectic life of one teenage soul...

So, apart from my previous mention of the craziness of homework and drumline, which is plenty enough to keep one busy and not give them much relaxation time, as previously mentioned, I now have the privilege and responsibility of being on the JV girls soccer team! It has been fun, and we have been winning a lot (which is always fun), but it has rearranged my priorities dramatically. My priorities are now, in order: soccer, drumline, homework, other (ex. ortho) and then sleep. Sleep, I have realized the hard way, is a privilege that must be earned through hard work and not that much homework, and not the necessity I have always thought that it was. Although this has its negative outcomes, such as having to take power naps in class and being constantly tire, I have found that there is always a positive way of thinking that I could create. But now I am sleeping a lot as it is winter break! Ah, winter break, the very sensations that those words create and correlations that I have with the phrase makes me smile. I think you all are aware of the feelings that the winter holidays bring.
So far my entire family is here, with the exception of the beloved sister, aunt, and daughter, Lauren. This has created a once again full house, no longer a lonely and generally quite library that this house has become of late. It is joyous and I can't wait for our family to be complete and for Lauren to return once again to California. As I leaned back to review what I have written so far, a perfect example on how simple things can bring so much joy. From my vantage point in the library, I can just barely see the Christmas tree, but I could clearly hear my funny brother holding his son, Quentin and making funny noises while Quentin smiled and looked intently at the tree. He seems so intelligent, yet he is only five months old! We believe that he was born to follow in his grandfather and father's footsteps, that baby was born to go to MIT. Now they are playing on the piano, and I can almost see Quentin's delighted reaction to the music that he creates with his father when he hits a key, as he is fascinated with music, along with almost everything else in this world. He is the sort of baby, that is content with watching the earth go by, and simply observing, as long as his parents are there to translate is odd noises for him, he is set.
Well now I must leave you and go Christmas shopping! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE <3
